Journey Of Blogginglove

A Glorious Journey of BloggingLove from 0 to 500 Blog Posts

In the past few years, I have always tried to provide the best and qualitative tutorials to BloggingLove’s readers. The journey of BloggingLove has been full of ups and downs.

It’s always good to see how people are appreciating the blog posts, WordPress tutorials, and the LinkedIn marketing tips.

I am glad to announce that after a long time, I am going to publish the 500th post on BloggingLove. In this post, I am going to let you know how I managed to make this happen and why are people looking for BloggingLove.

Let Me Start From the Day I Published My First Post

In 2014 I bought this domain name which was totally a coincidence because I was visiting my friend and he asked me to start something.

We’re pursuing our graduation that time and you know that we always need to start something to build a better career.

We’re looking for BloggingLuv as the domain name but luckily found BloggingLove as it shows my love for blogging. When I started writing, I used to publish one post each day which was perfect.

Many people came to know about my WordPress skills but due to my exams, I had to take a break from blogging.

What were the things I was thinking about

I never thought to make money from Google AdSense or any other advertisement network. I learned from my friends’ experience.

He used to have a few ad networks but the website speed was low. I examined the website and what could be done.

Though I was not good at such things still, you know that curiosity is the most amazing thing which automatically makes you learn.

I was thinking about a few other things.

  • Experiencing technical things
  • Explore WordPress
  • Learn about the beautiful designs
  • Test different plugins

I have always loved how a few lines of the code can turn a simple box into something mesmerizing.

In 2014, I kept my consistency but in 2015, everything was messed up because of the studies and nothing was going well.

I used to publish once a month because there wasn’t enough time due to the classes and other things.

But I never stopped writing. In 2016, after my graduation, I have been publishing at least 5 times a week since then. People even ask me as if how do I manage to publish regularly and do the web design work.

I just say one thing to them.

Success kisses those who value consistency Click To Tweet

You can have what you want if you keep chasing your goals. I was never a guy who could work consistently. I work around 12 to 15 hours a day.

I know that’s more than a 9 to 5 job but there are many things which are exceptional.

  • Passion is everything
  • I love to write, teach others, help others, and see them grow
  • WordPress is something I can explore for days, months, and even for many years
  • I always loved making things beautiful and that’s why I design websites

Till the middle of 2016, I had only 86 posts and now I am walking you through the journey of BloggingLove to its 500th post.

What’s the Ideal Post Schedule

Journey from 0 to 500 posts

It’s been always a debating topic for many years and no one has an answer to this question. But I am going to share my personal experience and what I applied on BloggingLove.

From 86 to 500 posts in less than one year. Doesn’t that sound amazing? Well, it is for me.

I even published twice a day for many months regularly. There was no one who could help me. One man army can kill the demotivation and all the negativity.

Let me answer your question.

If you’re a full-time blogger and have enough time to promote your posts on social media platforms then you should definitely publish every day.

You can skip weekends otherwise, every single day a post should be published.

It doesn’t matter what people say. You have to think beyond anyone else. Look at WPBeginner and many other famous websites which are on the top because they update their blog regularly.

Whereas if you don’t have enough time for promotion then either you hire a social media manager or publish at least 4 times a week.

You can’t let people forget about you, your blog’s name. Daily updates mean more people will notice you every day and no one can neglect the fact that you’re showing something others don’t.

What’s the Biggest Satisfaction During the Journey of BloggingLove

People always ask during my interviews as if what’s the biggest satisfaction you get from BlggingLove.

Well, it’s simple. You know when someone thanks me for helping him/her, it’s one of the best feelings. I provide tutorials for the people who don’t even have any idea about WordPress technical side.

I can understand how hard it is when people don’t get the solution to their problems.

I was a guy who couldn’t even fix a simple WordPress error but now I am providing an informative guide about common WordPress errors and their solutions.

If you also want to follow the journey of BloggingLove then try hard, write regularly and provide the fresh content to your readers.

Do Social Media Platforms Help In Growing A Blog

No doubt that 80% of the people know an answer to this question. People have different choices and that’s why some bloggers are focusing on Twitter whereas others try Facebook.

Apart from all, I use LinkedIn as my main social media platform. It’s more professional than any other network.

You can read my journey to 15000 LinkedIn followers.

While using this platform, you should always remember that it’s not Facebook where you publish your selfies. Be professional, achieve your goals.

BloggingLove journey

Use the power of LinkedIn Pulse platform. You can read my guest post on Lisa’s blog about LinkedIn marketing.

Learn about Facebook marketing and leverage your current position with the Twitter branding. The more you spread your words, the more are the chances of getting exposure.

I always recommend focusing on two platforms. Don’t try to be an everywhere person. People make mistake by chasing every social media platform.

I focus on Twitter and LinkedIn and that’s why I have thousands of followers on both. If you decide you use LinkedIn, you should know how to get more LinkedIn endorsements.

What’s Covered in These 500 Posts

That’s a tough question to answer because there are millions of articles which can be written but here I have tried to cover almost every possible tutorial for a WordPress user.

During this journey of BloggingLove, I have crafted a list of WordPress tutorials which should be published so that no user gets disappointed.

If you want to learn something about this platform, BloggingLove is the place for you.

Apart from that, there are many blogging articles, social media articles, WordPress theme tutorials etc.

You would like to read these articles.

Everything is here for you, explore BloggingLove and you will learn a lot of new things. During this journey of BloggingLove, I have faced a lot of problems but I am here for you.

If you have any doubt related to WordPress, web development, SEO, social media networks etc, feel free to reach me out.

You can also connect with me on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hi Ravi,

    Many congratulations on your wonderful journey. Needless to say you have in depth knowledge about WordPress and the passion of helping others with it has taken you so far. So yes, its a nice journey that you’ve had.

    500 posts seem to big a target for me, at least for now but I am glad you have reached it easily and that too in a year.

    Waiting to seeing more awesome posts and tremendous success of BloggingLove.


    1. Hey Swadhin,

      500 posts may seem to a big milestone but it’s not if you keep consistent. As I have mentioned, there were only 86 posts till the middle of 2016 and now 500 informative posts.

      I have always loved WordPress and to craft, something which is good enough to make people learn is what I provide.

      Thanks for your support.


  2. Hi Ravi,

    Glorious journey indeed!

    If you are blogging for money and if you met the satisfactory monetary benefits, then you are a successful blogger.


    If you are blogging to show your skills & to get publicity and acquired many readers for your blog, then you are a successful blogger.

    But for both categories, “Consistency” is the key to get success.

    I will tweet your post.

    Thanks a lot for sharing.

  3. Hello Ravi,

    Ton of congratulation on your 500 blog post journey and hope soon we are able to read the journey to 1k blog post ?

    No, doubt you have cleared many doubts about the wordpress and its always great to visit your site, if any thing comes regarding the wordpress issues.

    Keep Writing ?

    Happy Blogging.


    1. Hey Shantanu,

      Thanks for your wishes.

      Of course, you will read 1000th blog post of BloggingLove. I am not going to break the consistency I have been maintaining for so long.

      I just try to help my readers.

      Thanks for your input.


  4. Man! you must be having a heart of steel. 500 posts in one are crazy number and that too single handily. That’s insane.

    I know how much time it takes to post one good article. Even a post a day would take your number to only 365 a year. People say, post count does not matter but I say otherwise. Yes, it does matter if you are not someone like Brian Dean.

    I wish you all the success ahead and I am looking forward to a great relationship in the blogosphere.

    Thanks, Ravi.

    1. Hey Rupesh,

      Welcome to BloggingLove.

      I believe that if you try hard and keep going to chase your dream, you can achieve what you desire. 500 is just a number and it will get increased with the time.

      I am glad you got a chance to connect.

      Keep reading.


  5. Hi Ravi,

    You had a wonderful blogging career, from 0 – 500 blog posts. I admire your determination and will-power as well as your writing skill and the passion that drives you. Congratulations my friend.

    More success to you.

    1. Hey Moss,

      It’s been a very long journey but somehow I managed to keep everything safe. I am glad that I could help many people during this period of time.

      Thank you for your wishes.

      Enjoy your day.


  6. Hi Ravi,

    Congratulations on publishing 500 posts. I admire you for not only writing so many posts but the content of each and every one is wonderful.

    I must say that Social Media plays an important part of our content. It is especially great when our readers blast our posts out on Social Media.



    1. Hey Donna,

      Thank you so much for your kind words.

      People are worried as if what would they do to grow their blogs when no money is earned. I am here to make them learn the real meaning of blogging.

      Of course, social media platforms are worth spending time on.

      Appreciate your support.


  7. Hi Ravi,

    Many congratulations ?

    That is quite an achievement, a milestone indeed! Yes, I remember the time I crossed my 500 posts, but I didn’t post every single day like you do, which again depends from person to person and the time they have in hand.

    I agree about the promotion part, without which your blog posts reach fewer people. And of course, commenting on other posts is also time-consuming. So, you need to make the choice whether you wish to blog daily or twice or thrice a week, or perhaps even once in ten days or once a fortnight (yes, there is no limitation there). As long as your content is helpful, you will get readers to your blog, no matter many times you blog, isn’t it?

    Thanks for sharing. Have a nice week ahead ?

    1. Hey Harleena,

      It depends on the amount of time you have. Just like you, most of the bloggers publish once in a week which is working great for them. The content should be helpful and people will come to you for sure.

      I love to teach people and publishing daily is something I try but sometimes the time doesn’t favor me.

      Thanks for your support.


  8. Hello, Ravi!

    First and foremost, so congratulations to you on this milestone!

    You really have proved the consistency in the blogging is the only key to get to the level of the success!

    Keep going!

    And here’s to your next 500! ?

    ~ Adeel

  9. Hi Ravi,

    Congrats on 500 blog posts and sharing your journey with us. That’s a huge milestone in blogging!

    I love your tutorials and have learned a lot from your blog. The best part is that you make your tutorials easy for anyone to follow, regardless of their WordPress experience.

    I am always amazed at how often you post. I think it’s great that you’ve gotten consistent with your blogging schedule and still have time for your web design business.

    It’s definitely easy to see why you’re having the success you’re having. I have no doubt that your blog will continue to become more successful as you continue writing more content.

    Thanks for sharing your journey with us, have a great day ?


  10. Hey Ravi,

    Congrats on 500. Wow, I don’t think I’ll ever get to that point. Mainly because I publish so infrequently (one a month or so) so I’ll need another lifetime to even catch up.

    But I do applaud you for your consistency .. being a one man army and all. More importantly, I applaud you for always writing helpful content.

    Job well done.

    – Andrew

  11. First of all congratulations Ravi on your achievement and hard work. I am really impressed with your consistency.

    One question I have is how do you prepare all the content? Do you have a team for managing Social Media, Image creation and all. I would be happy to know.

    1. Hey Rahul,

      Creating the content isn’t hard as it seems. You just need to set a schedule for every task. I use automated tools for social media platforms and write the content on my own.

      Though hiring a virtual assistant is also a great idea still if you can manage it yourself, you should.

      I have written more than 500 posts now. All are mine.


  12. Ravi, great achievement, you deserve praise for that.

    I tend to disagree mildly that writing 3, 4 or more articles every week is practical for a one man blog. Of course it is possible but the depth and time required to research the topic is not available. You have to rely on short form articles such as around 1000 words mark. I think that there is more scope and demand for long form between 2000 and 4000 words.

    Having said that, short is sweet as well. It all depends on your style and preference. Look at Seth Godin, he tells the whole thing in perhaps less than 200 words.

    Well done, cheers.

    1. Hey Ahmad,

      If you’re running a full-time blog then your readers expect to read something new every day. I agree that indexing power of longer articles is amazing but you can’t write a 2000 words article every day.

      I choose the length according to the title of the post. If it’s about WordPress, 600 words are enough. People want the solution to their problems, they don’t read that much.

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


  13. 500 is a good number.

    You published eveyday?


    Consistency is always the key and promotion is also very important.

    Promotion is time consuming but I’ve realized that focusing on few social media networks will produce better results than focusing on tons of social media networks.

    Thanks for sharing this!


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